Sunday, March 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Little Bitty Baby Blog!

My little bitty baby blog is a year old and, although it has a long way to go from where I would ideally like it to be, I am happy with its progress and look forward to its evolution. Throughout the course of the year, I have been able to share and divulge tidbits about myself, offer nutritive ditties, and hopefully inspire individuals to go shopping and discover the pleasure of cooking at home. Cooking for yourself is one of the initial steps that enable you to become a better you. The more control you have over what you are eating and putting in your body, the more control you have over your health. Whether it is cutting back to ordering take out two times a week instead of four, or replacing whole milk with skim, or switching from white refined grains to whole grains, small changes initiate a chain reaction that ultimately leads to a better, healthier you. 

For those readers who have been with me from the beginning or those who just started reading with this post, I deeply appreciate your taking your time to read my words, look at my pictures, and hopefully walk away with some inspiration, knowledge, and motivation. 

Here are some of my favorite posts from over the year:

This green pasta recipe because it was inspired by a loyal follower

Because I love a good taco night, especially if it is accompanied by a cold beer

This expose which demonstrated that it is hard to cook all the time

I can't live without beans or a good Mexi night 

A pretty picture and Henry's grand introduction

This sandwich is out of control and life changing 

Who doesn't love a rollatini?

This and this takes me to my happy place

I revealed something we all question and this cioppino looks complicated, but it's not

I really do love beans!

My first post! I've come a long way...but still have a ways to go


  1. Congrats, Miranda! I've loved following your blog and can't wait to see where it takes you next. Food is such a wonderful thing, aint it :)

  2. Happy Birthday! Here's to many more wonderful years of blogging! xx

  3. M! Happy birthday blog!!! You've made it so much more detailed,, AND THE PIX OF HP WHEN HE WAS A BABY IS ADORABLE!! Hope you get this, love, betty

  4. Thank you! Looking forward to many more posts ahead!
